Perhaps this is old-hat. Or maybe I’m just waking from some dream in a cloud (pun-intended). It could even be the case that I should keep my mouth shut and be happy that the Chromebook I’ve been using was free and came with no strings attached. But damnit….

This CR-48 is shockingly, painfully incapable in several crucial ways. Specifically creating text files and interfacing with FTP. (yes I know about ssh, but my hosting doesn’t seem to love me). I can do about 95% of what I want to with the machine, but the 5% i can’t do is crippling… :( Sorry Google, I’m out of this noise ASAP.

Yes, there are undoubtedly possible workarounds. But at this point, using the machine for anything other than a one-way portal through which to consume the web (slowly, mind you) requires a painful “work” around which is more like a “stumble-around-blindly-in-the-dark-until-you-stub-your-toe-on-a-solution” around.

On this site I used Thesis 1.6 (or something) to get the design and organization of the page settled. But I’ve been working recently on a few other sites, generally trying to improve my web-skillz. Both of these other sites are built on WordPress, and both are going to need a few tweaks to work the way I’d prefer. Specifically, I want to make forward to Doing so requires a file to be created and uploaded to the server.

There’s no way to create the file on the CR-48, but I could write the file in Google Docs… download it… then SSH into and FINALLY (I had to hold down the shift key to shout that, piss off google… I never use your damned search key anyway) upload the file into the proper location on the server. Well, that’s just a crock of shit. It shouldn’t be so damned hard to do.

I just went to check if there was a text editor (vi, or something like it) in the terminal of the CR-48. There isn’t. And that’s even further frustrating. /end_rant(for_now ;)

Or maybe I’m doing it wrong.